Voot is an Indian subscription video on demand service owned by Viacom18. It launched in March 2016 and has a database of over 400 movies and 194 TV shows. It can be accessed on most major devices, including Android TV, AppleTV, Roku, and Chromecast devices. The service is available in Hindi, English, and Urdu.
You can watch your favorite TV shows, movies, and kids shows on Voot for free. This streaming service is currently only available on Android and iOS devices, but is on the way. If you are looking for a mobile version, you can download its app from Google Play or App Store. You can also view Voot content on the big screen by connecting your device to Chromecast. You can even use Chromecast to watch the content on your television. As of now, you can watch Indian TV online for free on Voot. However, the platform is actively developing applications for Windows mobile. With more devices to come, this list of supported devices is expected to grow.
You can watch TV shows online from any country. The service has over 40,000 hours of content in various languages, and it is accessible to everyone. If you don’t speak Hindi, you can still watch Indian TV – whether it is on your laptop, smartphone, or tablet. The app also offers content in several languages, and you can even watch your favorite Indian TV show without installing software on your device.