Here s a quick beauty tips for all you beauty and skin care junkies out there! Try these beauty tips to the face first, and then remember to thank later! First, wash your face twice daily, no more, no less. Use a face masque regularly. Take lots of water, at least 8 glasses a day. Drink a lot of water.
Second, use a good sunscreen or an antioxidant lotion on your face, or on the neck and arms. Use a good moisturizer on your whole body, arms, legs and buttocks. Third, make sure that you are getting enough sleep. Use an anti-aging cream regularly. Fourth, get enough sleep!
Fifth, use a good natural anti aging facial cream or a pore tightening serum. Sixth, wear sunglasses when you are going out in the sun. Seventh, drink plenty of water, at least 8 glasses a day, and get plenty of sleep. Lastly, use a good quality sunscreen that is designed specifically for the face, or the neck or the arms. eighth, be gentle with your skin, especially around the eyes and mouth. You can skip the daily cleansing routine, which can be very harsh if you have dry skin.